marvel shso: ART DIRECTION


    Marvel wanted to improve it's younger audience base, and was pushing the Super Hero Squad toy line as an IP into comics and television. THQ had signed to take the IP to the game console market, but our game was designed to bring it online as Marvel's first MMO. It would need an identity that could enhance the rest of the property and make it distinct, without letting it become disconnected.
    GOAL: Marvel's comics had grown dark, and parents were not comfortable introducing them to their children. Marvel toys however were booming.
    SOLUTION: Choossing a toy-like approach using matte surfaces with Ambient Occlusion lighting to simulate a vinyl toy look, then enhanced that with Tilt-Shift to create the illusion that these may be toys come to life.
    OUTCOME: The game was appealing to kids and old fans alike. It was similar to the rest of the Super Hero Squad franchise but had a unique quality that let players know they were experiencing one of the IP branches.

    Defining the art style would have been reward enough, but working on this project allowed me to revel in my inner Marvel Geek. It was our job to pull out the best most memorable aspects from our childhood lore, and also be on the inside track for what Marvel had planned for the future. The Game was divided up into a social space, Head quarters, Brawler and a Card game. Each had their own unique challenges to feel like a seamless experience.